mercoledì 20 novembre 2019

Italy on the Way to Trumpism

The last number of IJPE is out, with my piece about "salvinomics". Nell'ultimo numero dell'International Journal of Political Economy, la mia analisi sulle caratteristiche del Salvinismo Economico.

The aim of this article is to analyze the possible effects of implementing the economic program of Matteo Salvini on the Italian economy and the whole society. Salvini has co-opted most of the electoral strategies and economic program from Donald Trump’s campaign. We have used analytical concepts involved in the relationships among economic aspects that determine political consequences and vice versa. To do that, we have studied the evolution of the program of Salvini’s party, his communication strategy, and the composition of his electoral block. From this analysis the fact emerges that the full application of Salvinomics could have a dangerous effect for Italy in terms of inequalities, economic growth, the sustainability of debt and public finance, international relationships, and, in general, for the role of Italy in the globalized world. Also, the effects of some institutional reforms jointly with the economic measures could make his electoral base unstable and conflictual.
JEL Classifications: D72E63E65N12

lunedì 4 novembre 2019

Hard Brexit and its potential long-run consequences on the British population and workforces

La Regional Studies Association ha appena pubblicato nella collana Regions uno speciale sulla Brexit, a cura di Alex De Ruyter (Direttore del centro studi sulla Brexit di Birmingham). All'interno il mio pezzo sugli effetti compositivi di una eventuale "Hard Brexit" su popolazione e forza lavoro.

"Speaking of “closed borders”, we then follow with an analysis of one of the factors that was believed to be key in the UK’s Brexit vote; that of migration from other EU countries. In this critical piece, Salvatore Perri argues that despite popular conceptions, there was no evidence to suggest that EU migration was having deleterious effects on the UK economy. Rather, Perri argues that without the stimulus of migration, the UK will suffer the effects of an ageing population in terms of its impact on public finances and productivity." A. De Ruyter.